Thursday, October 22, 2009

Demons/ Revival

One night more than twenty roared and shrieked together while I was preaching... [some of whom] confessed they were demoniacs. Sally Jones could not read and yet would answer if persons talked to her in Latin or Greek. They could tell who was coming into the house, who would be seized next, what was doing in other places, etc....
I have seen people so foam and violently agitated that six men could not hold one, but he would spring out of their arms or off the ground, and tear himself, as in hellish agonies. Other I have seen sweat uncommonly, and their necks and tongues swell and twist out of all shape. Some prophesied and some uttered the worst of blasphemies against our Saviour.

John Cennick, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 75

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