Friday, March 20, 2009

Heaven & Affections

"If we can learn anything from Scripture about the nature of heaven and the experience of the saints there, it is that they have a love and joy that "is exceeding great and vigorous, impressing the heart with the strongest and most lively sensation, or inexpressible sweetness, mightily moving, animating , and engaging them, making them like to a flame of fire. And if such love and joy be not affections, then the word 'affection' is of no use in language. Will any say that the saints in heaven, in beholding the face of their Father, and the glory of their Redeemer, and contemplating his wonderful works, and particularly his laying down his life for them, have their hearts nothing moved and affected, by all which they behold or consider?"''

-Signs Of The Spirit, Sam Storms, Pg. 51-52

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