"It is easy to believe in God, but far more difficult to believe God."
RC Sproul
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The Motivation of Theological Appreciation Appropriated in Worship
In other words, he has written to them in this particular way because he is aware that, ultimately, the profundity of their theological appreciation, appropriated in worship, will be far more effective in helping them to be what they were meant to be than merely piling moral exhortation upon moral exhortation.
- A.T. Lincoln commenting on how Paul sought to motivate the Ephesian church.
Society preserved, disturbed and invaded
“It is too easy to divorce the rule of Christ in heaven from the life of his church on earth; to so abstract the one from the other that the effective outworking of Christ’s sovereignty is left to mysterious forces quite unconnected with our everyday Christian life. In this way we can make the reign of Christ something too remote; invisible, inaudible and eventually undetectable. Whereas it is through the Church’s presence and power, by her work and witness, that society itself is preserved, disturbed and invaded by this reigning Lord.”
- Peter Lewis
Its not about us
The Bible is God’s book, it is a revelation of God, and our thinking must always start with God. Much of the trouble in the Church today is due to the fact that we are so subjective, so interested in ourselves, so egocentric. That is the peculiar error of this present century. Having forgotten God, and having become so interested in ourselves, we become miserable and wretched, and spend our time in ’shallows and in miseries.’
The message of the Bible from beginning to end is designed to bring us back to God, to humble us before God, and to enable us to see our true relationship to Him. And that is the great theme of this Epistle [Ephesians]… We must not start by examining ourselves and our needs microscopically; we must start with God, and forget ourselves. In this Epistle we are taken as it were by the hand by the Apostle and are told that we are going to be given a view of the glory and the majesty of God.
- D. M. Lloyd‐Jones, God’s Ultimate Purpose: An Exposition of Ephesians 1:1 to 23 (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1979), 13.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Donald Coggan, quoted in Stott, 126-27
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Holy Spirit - Miricles - Providence
"Now, it ought to be observed that God sometimes assists his people in such a manner as to make use of ordinary methods; but when he sees that this hinders men from beholding his hand, which may be said to be concealed, he sometimes works alone, and by evident miracles, that nothing may prevent or obscure the manifestation of his power."
John Calvin
Monday, November 23, 2009
Worship Defined
"Worship consists of acknowledging that someone or something else is greater – worth more – and by consequence, to
be obeyed, feared, and adored…Worship is the sign that in giving myself completely to someone or something, I want
to be mastered by it. (Harold Best, Music Through the Eyes of Faith, pg. 143)
Worship is the activity of the new life of a believer in which, recognizing the fullness of the Godhead as it is revealed in
the person of Jesus Christ and His mighty redemptive acts, he seeks by the power of the Holy spirit to render to the
living God the glory, honor, and submission which are His due. (Robert Rayburn, O Come, Let Us Worship, pg. 20)
“Worship is the work of acknowledging the greatness of our covenant Lord…. In worship we adore God’s covenental
control; bow before His absolute, ultimate authority; and experience God’s presence” (John Frame, Worship in Spirit
and Truth)
Worship is the human response to the self-revelation of the triune God, which involves: (1) divine initiation in which God
graciously reveals himself, his purposes, and will; (2) a spiritual and personal relationship with God through Jesus
Christ enabled by the ministry of the Holy Spirit; and (3) a response by the worshiper of joyful adoration, reverence,
humility, submission and obedience. (David Nelson, Authentic Worship, Herbert W. Bateman, ed., p. 149)
Worship is the believer’s response of all that they are – mind, emotions, will, body – to what God is and says and does.
(Warren Wiersbe, Real Worship, p. 26)
Worship is the term we use to cover all the acts of the heart and mind and body that intentionally express the infinite
worth of God. (John Piper)
Worship of the living and true God is essentially an engagement with him on the terms that he proposes and in the way
that he alone makes possible. (David Peterson, Engaging with God, pg. 20)
True worship involves reverential human acts of submission and homage before the divine Sovereign, in response to
his gracious revelation of himself, and in accordance with his will. (Daniel Block, For the Glory of God, SBTS Course, p.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 240
Anointings / Empowerings
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 233
Holy Spirit
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 232-233
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 232
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 232
Holy Spirit
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 231
Holy Spirit
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 230
Andrew Murray, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 227-228
Demon Possessed
In many cases there is no clear description, but in several instances there is. The Gadarene demoniac alone might come under the category of someone owned and totally controlled by demons. And yet even in his case the description is not necessarily true. Self-control and demon-controlled seem t alternate in the man. Under his own control he runs to Jesus and falls at his feet. The act looks like an act of worship. But the demon within him then cried, "What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?" (MK 5:6-7).
But take the case of the epileptic boy at the foot of the Mount of Transfiguration. He was afflicted with periodic fits of epilepsy. When Jesus cast the demon out the boy was healed (Mt. 17:18). You can be healed of an affliction, not of a possession. The account of the same incident in Mark is yet more graphic. Here the spirit is described as one of deaf mutism - certainly an affliction from which any of us would wish to be healed (MK 9:14-27).
Again, the Canaanite woman who came to Jesus on behalf of her demonized daughter said that her daughter was "suffering terribly" from her demonization (Mt 15:22). The expression suggests affliction, pain, torment. Moreover when Jesus grants her request we are told that her daughter, like the epileptic boy, was healed. The word healed is used of a bodily affliction, and is comparable more with a sickness a demon causes than with an ownership to which the spirit has no right, even in the unconverted.
Conrad was, I believe, afflicted by a demon. The demonic affliction took the form of an addiction to drugs. It may well have attached itself to Conrad's body at some point during his abuse of drugs, and in this sense Conrad deserved what he got. Unfortunately, though deliverance from many sins follows confession and faith, the matter is less simple when a demonic presence is involved. The abuse had provided an opportunity for demonic attachment of some kind. Not until Ken Blue, under the authority of the kingdom of God and in the power of the Spirit, served notice to the demon was the matter resolved.
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 210-211
Demon In A Professing Christian
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 209
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 207
Worship Involes My Intellect
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 188
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 188
Worship Involes My Will
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 188
Worship Involes The Whole Person
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 187-188
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 187
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 186
Prophetic Manifestation
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 185
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 185
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 184
2) Second, God's power is manifest in human lives in ways no psychological or sociological laws can explain adequately.
3) Third, the community as a whole becomes aware of what is happening, many perceiving the movement as a threat to existing institutions.
4) Fourth, some men and women exhibit unusual physical and emotional manifestations. These create controversy.
5) Fifth, some revival Christians behave in an immature and impulsive way, while others fall into sin. In this was the revival appears to be a strange blend of godly and ungodly influences, of displays of divine power and of human weakness.
6) Sixth, wherever the revival is extensive enough to have national impact, sociopolitical reform follows over the succeeding century. In this way injustice.
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 173-174
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 173
Laurence Sterine
Baptism in the Holy Spirit
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 170
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 158
Spirit's Power
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 156
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 156
"All expressions of grace can be grouped under one of two headings:
privilege and power."
Jerry Bridges
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Grace and Blessing
“Blessings at times come to us through our labors, and at times without our labors, but never because of our labors, for God always gives them because of his undeserved [grace] mercy." - Martin Luther
The Profanity of Merit
“It is sheer profanity to speak of the merit of works, especially in the presence of God."
- Lefevre d’ Etaples
The Gospel and Obedience
“Believers obey Christ as the one by whom our obedience is accepted by God. Believers know all their duties are weak, imperfect and unable to abide in God’s presence. Therefore they look to Christ as the one who bears the iniquity of their holy things [acts], who adds incense to their prayers, gather out all the weeds from their duties and makes them acceptable to God.”
- John Owen
Feeling our Sinfulness
The man whose soul is “growing” feels his own sinfulness and unworthiness more every year.
The nearer he draws to God and the more he sees of God’s holiness and perfection, the more thoroughly is he sensible of his own countless imperfections.
The brighter and clearer is his light, the more he sees of the shortcomings and infirmities of his own heart. When first converted, he would tell you he saw but little of them compared to what he sees now.
- J. C Ryle, Holiness, p. 88.
Holiness and Sin
All my labors are marred by sin and imperfection. As I think of every act I have ever done for God, I can only cry out, “Oh God, forgive the iniquity of my holy things.”
- Charles Haddon Spurgeon, as quoted in Ian Murray's Spurgeon and Hyper-Calvinism, p. 20.
Hindrances to Santification
- A defect in our belief in the freeness of divine grace
- A lack of obedience to Christ in every area of life
- A lack of intentionality and specificity about spiritual growth. We make general resolutions but never carry them out.
- A lack of specific application of Scripture in dealing with sin in our lives
- A lack of growing in the practical knowledge of Scripture
Best Preparation for the Study of the Gospel
“The best preparation for the study of [the gospel] is – neither great intellectual ability nor much scholastic learning-but a conscience impressed with a sense of our actual condition as sinners in the sight of God. A deep conviction of sin is the one thing needful in such an inquiry, - a conviction of the fact of sin, as an awful reality in our own personal experience – of the power of sin as an inveterate evil cleaving to us continually, and having its roots deep in the inner most recesses of our hearts, - and of the guilt of sin, which once committed, can never cease to be true of us and which [in itself] deserves his wrath and righteous condemnation.” (James Buchanan, The Doctrine of Justification pg 236-37)
Holiness and Sin
“As God is holy, all holy, altogether holy, and always holy, so sin is sinful, all sinful, only sinful, altogether sinful, and always sinful.” (Ralph Venning, The Sinfulness of Sin, pg. 31)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Hysterical Behavior
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 153
Religion / Morality
George Gallup, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 152
Work Of The Holy Spirit?
2. Opposing Satan's kingdom by discouraging sin, lust and the world (the lust of the flesh, of the eyes, plus the pride of life);
3. Holding Scripture in his esteem;
4. Increasingly realizing that life is short, that there is another world, that they have immortal souls and must give an account of themselves to God, that they are sinful by nature and practice, and that they are helpless to overcome this without Christ; and
5. Expressing love for Christ and for others, especially toward fellow Christians which should not be characterized by hostility.
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 150
Dreams & Visions
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 146
Supernatural Power
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 142
Supernatural Power
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 142
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 139
Fellowship With God
The point is not merely that disobedience leads to defeat, and certainly not that holiness leads to power. Rather it is that holiness is necessary if we want ongoing fellowship with God. God wanted fellowship with his people. On that occasion he allowed them to suffer defeat because he had been trying to impress on them his longing to have them walk in fellowship with him. That is why God uses any painful means to get at us - because he wants our fellowship.
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 134
Miraculous Power
But the power is divine power. The work represents neither friend nor a display of demonic influence. The healers are abusing their gifts and calling. If they are deceived, and some of them seem to be, the deception is not one in which demons fool them into thinking they are using divine power when in fact the source is demonic.
Rather, God gives them power, just as he did to Samson. But fascinated with a very exciting game, they allow themselves to be deceived by believing they are still pleasing God and enjoying fellowship with him simply because they are surrounded by enthusiasm and results. Results prove only that the power is real. The lies in the fact that untold numbers of lives are redeemed through their ministry. God fulfills his own purposes. His loving heart is satisfied.
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 133
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 132
Miraculous Power
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 125
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Divine Power
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 124
Divine Power is Holy Power
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 123
Spiritual Power is Dangerously Heady Stuff
A person who has never experienced the impact of such a sight has no idea of its effect on one's emotions. People have been known to laugh and cry helplessly for hours after observing miraculous power, especially if the miracle is a major one touching someone close to them.
If you ever exercise spiritual power of that order, if you should ever see a congregation of hundreds weeping in broken repentance as you preach, the experience may make sexual love seem as banal as eating ice cream. Small wonder that Jesus needed to warn the seventy when they returned full of excitement after their successful mission. To be sure, he had seen Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Yes, indeed, he gave them even more authority and power. "However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven" (Lk 10:20).
There is danger in power. Sexual power can make some men rapists and some women nymphomaniacs. Spiritual power can be equally destructive. There is therefore danger in every revival. We must be careful to hold to Christ's own scale of values.
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 122-123
Impact of Spiritual Power
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 121
Spiritual Power
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 121
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
A Clarification on the Gospel
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Drift in Marriage
“Most marriages develop their characteristic pattern, not by design, but by drift. Courses of least
resistance, following one’s own desires in time develop into patterns, but you will never drift into God’s
pattern. It will come only by repentance, by prayerful understanding and by a conscious decision to follow it.
That decision must be backed by a continued daily awareness of what you are doing and a repetitive effort
to realize God’s design in all you do. You must choose between drift and decision. Decide now to reshape
your marriage according to God’s great plan set forth in the pattern of Christ and His church. If you do, your
marriage will be blessed more and more as it grows, not drifts in the shape designed by God.” – Jay Adams
Friday, October 30, 2009
Augustine and the Gospel
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Women's Heart
Max Lucado
Wait For The Man
Adrienne Sadosky, 'Wait For The Man'
Monday, October 26, 2009
Speaking In A Tongue
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 117
Holy Spirit
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 117
Sin - Dominion Over Us
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 111
Word Of Knowledge
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 110
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 108-109
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 104-105
Understanding Christianity
If you want to judge how well a person understands Christianity, find out how much he makes of the thought of being God’s child, and having God as his Father.
If this is not the thought that prompts and controls his worship and prayers and his whole outlook on life, it means that he does not understand Christianity very well at all.
For everything that Christ taught, everything that makes the New Testament new, and better than the Old, everything that is distinctively Christian as opposed to merely Jewish, is summed up I the knowledge of the Fatherhood of God.
Our understanding of Christianity cannot be better than our grasp of adoption.
- J.I. Packer, Knowing God, p. 201 -202.
Friday, October 23, 2009
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 102
Jonathan Edwards, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 90
Dr. John Hamilton, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 88-89
Jonathan Edwards, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 88
Fear of God / Worship
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 88
Fear of God
Dr. Alexander Webster (1742), When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 87
Fear Of God
Jonathan Edwards, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 87
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Mysterium Tremendum
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 86-87
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 85
Fear of God
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 85
Spirit Comes
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 84
Jonathan Edwards, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 84
Spiritual Opposition
Ralph Humphries, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 76
Demons/ Revival
I have seen people so foam and violently agitated that six men could not hold one, but he would spring out of their arms or off the ground, and tear himself, as in hellish agonies. Other I have seen sweat uncommonly, and their necks and tongues swell and twist out of all shape. Some prophesied and some uttered the worst of blasphemies against our Saviour.
John Cennick, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 75
Spirit Moves
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 74-75
The God of the Bible runs everything. He created Nature and Supernature which are actually all of a piece with no division between them. Nothing in Nature woks by itself. God 'works' it. He intervenes unceasingly. Every musical note we hear, every sunrise and sunset we see, every birth we rejoice in, every exploding supernova we marvel at - all are expressions of his power. His presence keeps the whole show working.
Similarly every angelic appearance, every miracle of healing are likewise the working of his sovereign laws. In this sense there is no fundamental difference between what we call miracle and what we call ordinary. Yet we need some sort of a division to aid us in discussion.
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 59
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 56
But there is a second danger and it is equally important that we should bear it in mind. The second is the exact opposite of the first, as these things generally go from one violent extreme to the other. How difficult it always is to maintain a balance! The second danger, then, is that of being satisfied with something very much less than wheat is offered in the Scripture, and the danger of interpreting the Scripture by our experiences and reducing its teaching to the level of what we know and experience; and I would say that this second is the greater danger of the two at this present time.
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 55
Interpret Scripture
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 55
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 52
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 52
Jonathan Edwards, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 51-52
When the Holy Spirit awakens people, he seems to cause them to perceive truth more vividly. Satan's deceptive mists are driven away. People see their sin as terrifying rocks threatening to sink them or as a foul, stinking cancer that will kill them. They see the mercy of the Savior with the eyes of those who have been snatched from a horrible death. Their trembling, weeping and shouts of joy reflect the clarity of their vision.
Keely aware of this, Dillimore states that the emotional manifestations we are talking about took place in people who were "solemnly conscious of the presence of God... and bitterly aware of their won helplessness."
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 51
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 50
Facts / Feelings
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 49
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 45
He further says: "Power encounters are difficult to control. This is a hard word for many Western Christians to accept, because phenomena that do not fit rational thought are uncomfortable: they plunge us into the murky world of the transrational in which we lose control of the situation. Events that do not fit our normal categories of thinking are threatening for us, causing fear, because they are unfamiliar - especially where spiritual power is involved."
John Wimber, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 45.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Jonathan Edwards, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 43
Mr. McCullough preached after I had ended, till past one in the morning, and then could scarce persuade them to depart. All night in the fields might be heard the voice of prayer and praise. Some young ladies were found by a gentlewoman praising God at break of day. She went and joined with them."
George Whitefield (1742), When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 43
Field preaching, for example, was unheard of in Britain before the Wesleyan revival. Churches and chapels were scandalized initially. Press articles describing it scorched the paper they were printed on. When George Whitefield first introduced him to it even John Wesley found field preaching hard to accept.
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 41.
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, When The Spirit comes With Power, p. 39.
George Whitefield, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 38.
John White, When The Spirit Come With Power, p. 38
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 37.
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, When the Spirit Comes With Power, p. 34.
Hearing From God
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 33.
Ministry Calling
"Ministry is the one vocation you arrive at by running after something else. You run after humility and service in order to end up in ministry. If you run right at ministry you will be sidelined or put on a slow train. "
-Dave Harvey
Communication of Scripture
...let’s have this unmovable goal: discernible growth in my grasp and communication of Scripture, in its specifics and its sweep.
Teaching The Word
Teaching, Discerning the Gift
This is what happens when the gift of teaching is operating. You make scriptural truth clear, you make scriptural truth attractive, and you make scriptural truth operational. You make it clear—people understand it. You make it attractive—people value it. And you make it operational—people apply it. When those things happen, the gift of teaching is happening, it is functioning. That is what we want to cultivate.
-Jeff Purswell
Pastoral Ministry
We are to “rightly handle.” I think we could render that “deal with it straightly.” Literally it means to “cut a straight path.” We deal with it straightly. So that means two aspects: correct meaning and clear communication. That is what we strive for: faithfulness, clarity … faithfulness, clarity … faithfulness, clarity: faithfulness to the meaning of the text and clear communication of the message of the text. In brief, that is what we are about in rightly handling the Word of God.
-Jeff Purswell
Pastoral Authority
Now, of course, we do have a degree of authority to preach God’s Word in the church and to govern the affairs of our church. But as far as authority in people’s lives, that lies only in God’s Word. It is only God’s Word that is to bind the conscience of a believer, not my opinion, not my preferences. And when we deviate from God’s Word or we distort God’s Word or we displace God’s Word we have forfeited our authority. This is where our authority derives from—the truth of God’s Word.
-Jeff Purswell
Biblical Leadership
Your teaching is the primary expression of your leadership. The core of biblical leadership is setting forth for our people a biblical vision of God and his purposes and then calling them to live life in light of it and modeling for them what it looks like. That is biblical leadership.
-Jeff Purswell
It is this Word and this Word alone that God promises to accompany with saving and sanctifying power. Where is your confidence? It should be here because it is only this that God promises to accompany with saving and sanctifying power! Oh, this Word is powerful. This Word makes massive promises about itself. It advertises its power to change and transform. This Word discloses God. It brings us into an encounter with God himself. When we hear these words, we are hearing the voice of God. This Word is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. This Word discloses the gospel. The gospel itself is “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). Embedded in the gospel, in its DNA, is this explosive power to bring people from death to life. It is in here. This Word transforms hearts, breaks the power of sin, and engenders new affections. Oh, this Word does so much.
-Jeff Purswell
Pastoral Ministry
So as Paul spoke, his preeminent awareness was the gaze of God. His preeminent concern was the approval of God. All too often my preeminent concern is my presentation to you, to people. My preeminent concern is the approval of you. So who are you most aware of? Whose approval are you seeking? Whose test do you want to pass? Here is the sobering reality: Whom we are trying to please now will determine what we hear then. So let us now seek to please him. Let us labor, not merely with devotion, but with an awareness of divine scrutiny.
-Jeff Purswell
Pastoral Ministry
John Piper wrote, “The Word of God that saves and sanctifies from generation to generation is preserved in a book. And therefore at the heart of every pastor’s work is bookwork. Call it reading, meditation, reflection, cogitation, study, exegesis, whatever you will. A large and central part of our work is to wrestle God’s meaning from a book and to proclaim it in the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Pastoral Ministry
Something massive and eternal is at stake in our labors. The work of preaching and teaching is God’s chosen means to secure and preserve the final salvation of his Church. That’s all. In so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers—not that you will justify them, but that these will be the means that God will use to secure and preserve the final salvation of Christians. So teach, preach, give yourself, persist, and devote yourself. This is no time for “sleeping and snoring.” As pastors, we are not special. But we are called to be specialists! We have a specialized call, we have specialized labor, and it involves this Book.
-Jeff Purswell
Pastoral Ministry
“Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching. … Practice these things; immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress. Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers”
(1 Timothy 4:13,15,16).
Pastoral Ministry
Some pastors and preachers are lazy and no good. They do not pray. They do not read. They do not search the Scripture. The call is watch, study, attend to reading. In truth, you cannot read too much in Scripture and what you read you cannot read too carefully. And what you read carefully, you cannot understand too well. And what you understand well, you cannot teach too well. And what you teach well, you cannot live too well. The devil, the world, and our flesh are raging and raving against us. Therefore, dear sirs, and brothers, pastors and preachers, pray, read, study, be diligent. This evil, shameful time is not the season for being lazy, for sleeping and snoring.
-Martin Luther
Pastoral Ministry
Earlier in chapter two he used these metaphors to inspire Timothy: “Think of the soldier, Timothy. Think of the athlete, Timothy. Think of the hard working farmer, Timothy.” Those are Paul’s ministry metaphors, images that inspire labor and courage and perseverance and discipline and self-denial. You can’t read the Pastoral Epistles and come to the conclusion that pastoral ministry is a soft occupation; an “indoor job with no heavy lifting.” No, pastoral ministry is not for the lazy. It is not for the casual. It is not for the indifferent. In fact, it is not just enough not to be lazy. It is not just enough to do your work. The text says, “Do your best.” Exercise the utmost diligence and do it persistently.
-Jeff Purswell
Faithful Pastor
- Jeff Purswell
1. Converted and unconverted men, women and children, are stunned by a vision both of God's holiness and his mercy, are awakened in large numbers to repentance, faith and worship.
2. God's power is manifest in human lives in ways no psychological or sociological laws can explain adequately.
3. The community as a whole becomes aware of what is happening, many perceiving the movement as a threat to existing institutions.
4. Some men and women exhibit unusual physical and emotional behaviors. These create controversy. They can be an offense to opponents of the revival and a snare to its supporters.
5. Some revived Christians behave in an immature and impulsive way, while others fall into sin. In this way the revival appears to be a strange blend of godly and ungodly influences, of displays of divine power and of human weakness.
6. Wherever the revival is extensive enough to have national impact, sociopolitical reform follows over the succeeding century. In this way Christ kingdom begins to be exercised over the evils of oppression and injustice.
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 32-33.
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 31.
Baptism In The Spirit
Martyn Lloyd-Jones, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 28.
Evan Roberts, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 29.
Holy Spirit - Baptism
Dwight L. Moody, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 28.
Spirit of God
The Spirit of the Lord does not honor Saul. It humiliates him, shaming and rendering him impotent, totally unable to exert his will in the presence of his foes. His stubborn heart rejected God's mercy.
Therefore when the power took effect it mocked his pride and kingly power. Manifestations of the Spirit's power do not ever reflect credit to the person in whom they are manifest. They reflect only the power, the glory and the mercy of God, whether the manifestation results in the subject's blessing or the subject's humiliation. They can never be a ground for boasting.
They are never a sign of God's favoritism or of superior spiritual attainment.
John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 26
Richard Baxter, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 20.
Holy Spirit
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 13.
Holy Spirit
Jonathan Edwards, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 13.