Thursday, June 5, 2008


God is the One who is Jesus surrenders his life that we might live(John 10:11ff.) and moreover, who devotes himself to our health, safety, and happiness(as shown by healing, feeding, and nature, miracles). In widest sense of the word, we learn to know in Jesus a God who is for us, who does not wish any to perish, but that will come to repentance(Ezek. 33:11; 2 Pet. 3:9). He is the God who is good to all and whose compassion extends to all his works (ps. 145:9). His wrath endure only for a moment, but his mercy is eternal (Isa. 54:7ff.; Ps. 30:6).

Adrio Konig, The Eclipse of Christ Eschatology, p. 49

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