Thursday, June 5, 2008

Heb. 9:26

"The context of this expression leaves little room for doubt of its meaning. It is used as the opposite of "since the world was made." So we have the beginning and the end of the world, and writer regards the incarnation and earthly life of Jesus as this end. Only two verses later it is said that Christ "will appear a second time" (v. 28). This does not mean that the "the end of the age"- the incarnation-is after all not that end. It is, rather, an indication just how free and unsystematic early Christian thought on this subject really was, how freely it could move when contemplating the end-precisely because, for those people, the end was a person and his history, not specific events called "the last things." This is just one more instance of how a single goal may be reached several times."

Adrio Konig, The Eclipse of Christ in Eschatology, p. 71

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