Friday, June 6, 2008


"We should note that the reason God's goal is truly realized in the church-- as it was not in Israel-- is not that we have been more faithful or exercised our calling more effectively than the people of Israel; rather, Christ has come and-- without our aid-- realized the covenant for us and has created the new humanity independently of our faith (Eph. 2:15). The Church existed in Christ before any individuals came to faith. He is the eschatos, who reaches the eschaton before our decision of faith, thus guaranteeing that where Israel failed the Church succeeds. That the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church, while Israel is rejected (Matt. 16:18; Rom. 11:15), is, from salvation-historical viewpoint, owing to no virtue of the Church but to Christ. And this is exactly what opens a new perspective for Israel."

~Adrio Konig, The Eclipse of Christ in Eschatology, p.164

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