Monday, November 16, 2009

Miraculous Power

I am convinced that God still delegates miraculous power and that it can still be abused. Some Twentieth-century healers are like an empowered Samson, but a Samson wrongly using power. Some churches are guilty of exaggerated reports, loose morals and a use of divine power for self-promotion and aggrandizement.
But the power is divine power. The work represents neither friend nor a display of demonic influence. The healers are abusing their gifts and calling. If they are deceived, and some of them seem to be, the deception is not one in which demons fool them into thinking they are using divine power when in fact the source is demonic.
Rather, God gives them power, just as he did to Samson. But fascinated with a very exciting game, they allow themselves to be deceived by believing they are still pleasing God and enjoying fellowship with him simply because they are surrounded by enthusiasm and results. Results prove only that the power is real. The lies in the fact that untold numbers of lives are redeemed through their ministry. God fulfills his own purposes. His loving heart is satisfied.

John White, When The Spirit Comes With Power, p. 133

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