Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pride & Humility

"It has been my observation that God does not normally violate the prejudices of religious pride. Many of the Pharisees went to their deaths absolutely convinced in the validity of their own traditions and prejudices. Their religious pride shut them off from the correction that God would so willingly have given them, for "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble" (1 Pet. 5:5).
  The tragedy is that many of their doctrines were biblical and true. Yet I would rather have some wrong doctrines and humility than to have perfect orthodoxy on every point and no humility. A person who has wrong doctrine and humility can be corrected. A person with mostly right doctrines and no humility will be resisted by the Lord he professes to serve."

-Jack Deere, Surprised By The Power Of The Spirit, Pg. 86

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