Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Change & Technology

"Which brings me to the second incident. Taking a short break from the rigors of writing this book, I traveled to Minnesota to each sessions at the Masters Forum. The Masters Forum has held executive seminars for nearly fifteen years, and I was curious to know which themes appeared repeatedly over those years. "One of the consistent themes," said Him Ericson and Patty Griffin Jensen, program directors, "is technology, change - and the connection between the two."
"Why do you suppose that is?" I asked.
"People don't know what they don't know," they said. "And they're always afraid that some new technology is going to sneak up on them from behind and knock them on the head. They don't understand technology, and may fear it. All they know for sure is that technology is an important force of change, and that they'd better pay attention to it.""

Jim Collins, Good to Great, Pg. 154-155

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