Friday, June 6, 2008

Eschatology- The Last Judgement

"The last judgment is therefore not decisive in the sense that any person's eternal future remains in the balance up to that moment, God then judging that person according to criteria which up to then remained obscure. Judgment is completed during the interim period, in the sense that faith in Christ or rejection of Him is decisive. The believer knows already that he or she will not be lost (John 3:16), will not come up for judgment (3:18, 5:24), but has eternal life (3:36, 1 John 5:11-13). Similarly, to the disobedient it must be proclaimed that they will not see eternal life, but that God's wrath rests on them (John 3:36)."

~Adrio Konig, The Eclipse of Christ in Eschatology, p. 217

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