Thursday, June 5, 2008


He is the eschatos; in him the eschaton is already present, as well as being still in the future. "Beginning" and "development" are of little value here. Because this person has come, the eschaton has come; because this person will come again, the eschaton lies still in the future. Mere development and occurence of new things are a wholly inadequate description of eschatology. Tim, after passing of time, and development play their parts only because this person, Jesus Christ, has a history and lives it out in time. Eschatology cannot be subsumed into time-lapse, because the end cannot be restricted to a specific point of time or a period in history. Because is the end, his whole history is the actualization of the end, the fulfillment, and the goal. Eschatology is not primarily interest in the endtime, be it near or far, but in the End, a person. Therefore it is concerned with the manner in which he reaches the end or gal. He has reached it for us; he reaches it in us now; he will reach it in the future with us (and this of course invovles normal time-lapse and thus the salvation-historical character of eschatology).

Adrio Konig, The Eclipse of Christ in Eschatology, p. 86

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