Thursday, February 21, 2008


Every day the children get up before dawn-4 a.m. – for an hour of prayer. It is remarkable to see such intensity and depth in a group of people praying as in these children ranging from four years of age to their teens. They prayed with a deep burden for the lost, for the brothers and sisters in the ministry, for their parents And their relatives, for the brothers and sisters in other parts of the world. They prayed with tears streaming down their faces, crying out the Lord for these things, and especially for the salvation of India. They didn’t do this just once or twice, but their groanings before the throne of grace happened every day. Nor was it because they were made to do this. Experience knows when one is simply praying or doing anything simply because it is expected. These were prayers from the heart.

- David Jinno, Jesus' Foot, 93.

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