Saturday, February 23, 2008

Heaven in the Home

I was privileged, in the spring, to visit in a home that was to me – and I am sure to the occupants – a little bit of Heaven. There was beauty there. There was a keen appreciation of the finer tings of life, and an atmosphere in which it was impossible to keep from thinking of God.

The room was bright and white and clean, as well as cozy. There were many windows. Flowers were blooming in pots and vases, adding their fragrance and beauty. Books lined one wall– good books- inspiring and instructive- good books- good friends. Three birdcages hung in the brightness and color of this beautiful sanctuary, and the songsters voiced their appreciation by singing as if their little throats would burst.

Nature’s music, nature’s beauty- nature’s peace…. It seemed to me a kind of Paradise that had wandered down, an
enchanted oasis- home.

- Peter Marshall, Quoted in
Feminine Appeal, 100.

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