Friday, February 15, 2008


Death, which hovers over us, the ultimate specter. Death is a tyranny that no one escapes. Its power extends far beyond the mere experience of it. Because it looms just over the horizon, it casts its long shadow backward and constrains us all our lives. Even the attempt to live our lives by suppressing the thought of death is an abysmal response that mutely attests the power of its tyranny. So also does our habit of setting “life goals,” on the morbid assumption that all we have is threescore years and ten, more or less. How would our life goals change if we were planning not only for seventy years of existence here, but also for eternity? Isn’t this party what Jesus meant when he told us to lay up treasure in heaven (Matt.6: 19-21)?

- D.A. Carson, The Cross and Christian Ministry, 87.

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